Customer Testimonials
Customer Testimonials

Why Our Customers say they buy from ACS                                         Go back to check out

Thomas D. Johnston, J.D. Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeons
"ACS offers far more than just medical office products. One very unique aspect of their corporation is their service. We have found ACS to be extremely conscientious and service oriented. For example, when converting our medical records filing system to a terminal digit system for a 19 physician group, they went far beyond the mere sale of the charts and shelving, to help train our staff and get us up and running. To find this kind of service along with very competitive pricing is essentially unheard of today. We have recommended their services to many groups across the state and will continue to do so because of our complete satisfaction."

Willis Busey  OB-GYN, Inc.
"We use ACS, they were the only company I could get to custom design charts with the dividers I wanted facing the right direction. They were also able to design an expandable chart for those charts that have grown over the years. Their pricing is very competitive and they also allowed me to order a year's supply and warehouse half of the order and not pay for the warehoused charts until I needed them. I don't think you really need to contact anyone else as I found their pricing and services to be first rate."

Rey Flores A.M. Memorial Veterans Hospital
"Finding good companies is like finding good mechanics. Once you find one you recommend them to your friends and family. I have recommended  ACS to many other sections in the government.  ACS has qualities that we look for in individuals, such as, honesty and trustworthiness. Their professionalism is demonstrated by listening to the customer and following the customer's many guidelines. They will also assist you with their many years of experience with teamwork and follow through. I and other areas of the hospital have gotten the lowest prices and the products on time. After all, their job is to help keep my section running." 

Tania Gonzalez Women's Health Care Center
"I have had the pleasure of working with ACS. They are very cooperative and efficient with our companies' needs and constant demands. We have a custom made catalog that is specific to our company which makes ordering convenient and accurate. I highly recommend ACS to any business.

ACS provides products & services to well over 8,000 facilities & companies world wide.

ACS is committed to friendly support our Customer Service Representatives are always willing to discuss your specific needs. We realize the cornerstone of our business is you and with focus on our customer's needs, you are assured of not getting lost in the crowd! We will remain dedicated to delivering you the Quality Products, Great Prices and the Highest Standard of Customer Service in the industry. "Our goal is to build long-term relationships with our customers."

We would like to extend a warm welcome and say thank you for taking time to visit our website! Please call with any questions you may have or just to Introduce Yourself!  ACS invites you to explore our capabilities!

Would you like to be included on why our customers buy from us feel free to send us your comments and testimonial [email protected]

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